How to Use this Blog
Blogs are beautifully easy to use - just come to the blog, click on the Blogger icon in the top left corner, type in your password (this keeps blog spammers from interfering with us), select "create" a posting, and start typing. We'll start off with the basics (just cut and paste things into the space), resulting is a linear look, and then we will improve on it - with links to other webpages grouped together if that is appropriate, other pages off the main one for special topics, and so on. There should be a way to post just about any type of information, but sometimes we'll have to figure it out. For now try posting things like good web links, books that you feel are appropriate (add a little review of them), questions or comments for the group, photos, announcements (upcoming events, etc.), and more. A blog is only worth having if you use it regularly. If you wish use the "edit HTML" option to fine tune your posting, and always feel free to post photos using the photo icon. Look at other blog pages (including their HTML code) to see what is possible and effective. One of mine is Blogspot has information on how to improve your technique as well.
If you want to become a "member", so that you can post, or if you have comments or questions email me (Charlie Sellers) at
Photo - the streets of Vientiane, capitol of Laos.
If you want to become a "member", so that you can post, or if you have comments or questions email me (Charlie Sellers) at
Photo - the streets of Vientiane, capitol of Laos.

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