LBNL Seminar on Efficient Stoves in Sudan

If anyone is interested in Ashok Gadgil's work on fuel efficient
stoves in Sudan, there will be a seminar next week at Lawrence
Berkeley National Lab (LBNL), Dec. 13, 1:30PM. LBNL is located just up
the hill from UC Berkeley in Berkeley. Access is fairly easy. There
are shuttle buses from Berkeley BART, but you need to get on the
visitor list, so don't wait until the last minute, if your plan to
come. See posting below for details.
You're invited to attend this Environmental Energy Technologies
Division seminar taking place from 1:30 to 2:30 PM on Tuesday,
December 13th, in LBNL Bldg. 90, Room 4133. (Please note the unusual
time and location of this seminar.)
TITLE: EETD's Mission to Darfur
SPEAKERS: Ashok Gadgil (Indoor Environment Dept.) and Christina
Galitsky (Energy Analysis Dept.), both with EETD
DESCRIPTION: We will describe preliminary findings from our recent
field trip to Darfur, Sudan, where we aimed to introduce fuel
efficient stoves to the internally displaced persons (IDPs) camped
there. There are 2 million IDPs in Darfur refugee camps, with another
200,000 across the border in Chad. We visited two camps in South
Darfur, Otash and Kalma -- the latter is the largest camp in the world
housing more than 100,000 refugees. With our improved stoves we
demonstrated fuelwood savings of about 50%. The talk will describe the
background and the goals of this visit and our technical and field
impressions along with illustrative slides.
For further information about this seminar please contact Hugo
Destaillats at (510) 486-5897, or send e-mail to
Visitors from offsite who plan to attend and will need gate access and
parking arrangements, or who need information about riding the LBNL
shuttle bus should contact JoAnne Lambert at (510) 486-4835, or send
e-mail to
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