Every once in a while there is a great link out there - the Internet has tons of information but too much of it is useless. This is a
great one just on appropriate technology for stoves:
http://journeytoforever.org/at_woodfire.htmlIt covers
everything imaginable - efficiency, indoor pollution, different fuels, environmental costs, etc. And if you include the many links in it, it is a huge amount of information from a zillion sources. If we had more resources like this we would be
rich - then when we encountered specific needs in the field (water purification, irrigation, microcredit, livestock, food security, etc.)

we could see what has been done and then customize a solution with our engineering skills. For example, most of the stoves described have not been fully developed - the job is not done until they are reliable and you can manufacturer them efficiently and inexpensively in developing countries. And what might be "appropriate technology" in one country may not be in another.
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